#1 倫理的にも美しいジュエリー

#1 Ethically Beautiful Jewelry

The things we do first when we wake up, the casual words exchanged with loved ones, and the jewelry we wear every day—these seemingly small choices quietly form lines that eventually outline our lives.

The world abounds with beautiful jewelry, making the act of choosing a piece both thrilling and challenging. Preferences in design, admired brands, and appropriate pricing all play a part.

In these moments, consider choosing ethical jewelry that reflects compassion for the planet and others. ANNA DIAMOND introduces a new option in the jewelry world: ethically beautiful jewelry.


ANNA DIAMOND creates jewelry under the ethos of "Truth, Goodness, Beauty," focusing on ethical beauty.

We use lab-grown diamonds, unique Akoya pearls from Uwajima, Ehime, not usually seen in mainstream jewelry, and recycled metals. We manage production on a suitable scale and directly purchase materials to maintain fair pricing, sticking to ethical beauty from material sourcing to customer delivery.


ANNA DIAMOND’s Ethical Beauty

Since the 2015 UN Summit's adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there's a global shift towards a sustainable future.

The relationship between jewelry and sustainability is undeniable, given the environmental, labor, and conflict issues associated with mining diamonds and precious metals.

We believe jewelry, an intimate companion to our spirits and bodies, should inherently possess ethical beauty.

Defining Ethical Beauty
Sustainability and the fashion industry often conflict, yet ANNA DIAMOND believes in a path that considers the future without compromising the joys of the present.

Achieving perfect sustainability is challenging, but it's essential to progress step by step toward better creation.


Three Elements of Ethical Beauty at ANNA DIAMOND

01. Transparency in Creation
We strive to know and share who is creating, where, and under what conditions. Our recent exhibitions in Tokyo/Paris featured the processes at pearl farms in Uwajima and jewelry workshops in Kofu, enhancing transparency.

02. Materials with Compassion
Our jewelry centers around materials chosen with heartfelt consideration:

Lab-Grown Diamonds:
These are environmentally friendlier than mined diamonds, with no involvement in labor issues or conflicts.

Recycled Metals:
Metals reclaimed from electronic waste, known as "urban mining," are more considerate of the planet and easier to trace.

Lost Pearls:
Unique pearls that don’t meet conventional standards were once discarded but are valued at ANNA DIAMOND for their uniqueness and the craftsmanship they represent.

03. Commitment to Better Creation
Ethical beauty demands not settling for the status quo. It's about constantly seeking better ways to create, challenging old habits, and continually moving forward.


Future Endeavors

A single choice can change the future. Jewelry only truly becomes itself when both the maker and the wearer come together.

We hope ANTA DIAMOND’s pieces gently accompany those stepping into a new era, helping carve a more beautiful tomorrow.

With these hopes, we deliver our jewelry.