#5 希望

#5 希望



 現代社会で希望を見出すことは、非常に難しいことだと感じています。しかし、社会が良い方向に変わることを、じっと、静かに待っているには、人生は短すぎるように思うのです。限られた命の時間のなかで、新しい視点という特別な魔法を手に、光り輝く宝物を発掘し、広く伝えていきたい。そんな想いと共に、ANNA DIAMONDは始まりました。

 ANNA DIAMONDのものづくりは、素材探しから始まります。これまでは消費社会で用いられることがなかった素材、ユニークなアコヤ真珠や廃棄された携帯電話などに着目し、それらが持つ美しき側面を見つけ出し、その輝きを生かすべくジュエリーに仕立てます。


 最後になりますが、私には10つ歳が離れたアンナという妹がいます。彼女が私と同じ年齢になったとき、より前向きで、活気あふれる社会になっていますように。そんな強い願い - 祈り - を込めて、ブランド名に彼女の名前を冠しました。

ANNA DIAMOND Founder / Designer



To live freshly and cheerfully, I strive to be someone who gracefully leaps over old habits. It is crucial to set aside prejudices and conventional wisdom, embracing a new perspective to explore the world from all angles, discovering its unseen beautiful aspects. With this mindset, even the mundane days can reveal invaluable treasures.

Finding hope in today's society can be incredibly challenging. Yet, life is too short to just quietly wait for things to improve. Within the limited time of our lives, armed with the magic of a new perspective, I want to unearth and share these shining treasures. With this desire, ANNA DIAMOND was born.

At ANNA DIAMOND, our creation starts with searching for materials—focusing on things previously unused in consumer society, like unique Akoya pearls and discarded cell phones, and highlighting their beauty in our jewelry.

Take, for example, the Akoya pearls with unique colors and shapes that were never acknowledged as fine jewelry due to their individuality. However, by changing our viewpoint, we realize that their uniqueness, cultivated over many years, is indeed a treasure. To me, these pearls shine brighter with their vibrant, non-conforming individuality than if they were simply perfect spheres.

Lastly, I have a younger sister named Anna, who is ten years younger than me. I named the brand after her, hoping that when she reaches my age, she will find herself in a more positive and vibrant society—a strong wish, a prayer, for a better future.

I believe the world can become a more beautiful and radiant place.

Haruna Mori
Founder / Designer of ANNA DIAMOND