2024.8.23-9.23 / Roppongi Hills, Tokyo

2024.8.23-9.23 / Roppongi Hills, Tokyo

ANNA DIAMONDキュレーションする、サステナビリティとデザイン性を高い次元で両立したブランドを取扱うコンセプトストア  TWO WHEELERS’ FLAT。


ストアでは、ANNA DIAMONDの商品に加えて、ウィメンズアパレルを中心に“サステナビリティとデザイン性”2つの要素を高次元で携えたブランドのみを国内外から厳選しております。


ANNA DIAMOND is curating a concept store called TWO WHEELERS’ FLAT, which brings together brands that excel in both sustainability and design.

The first pop-up store will open at Roppongi Hills on August 23rd and will run for one month.

At the store, in addition to ANNA DIAMOND products, we have carefully selected women’s apparel brands from Japan and abroad that embody the two key elements of “sustainability and design.”


[ 2024.8.23-9.23 / Roppongi Hills, Tokyo ]
2024.8.23 (Fri) ~ 2024.9.23 (Mon)
(営業時間は六本木ヒルズ 営業時間に準ずる)

東京都港区六本木6-10-1六本木ヒルズ Hillsbox
Hillsbox, Roppongi hills, 6-10-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-6108



“We are curators. Story of good pieces for tomorrow.”


ジュエリーブランド『ANNA DIAMOND』の創立以降、

彼らを一同に集めたら、それは「安心して明日を想いながら、ファッションを楽しめる場所」になると思い、この度 『TWO WHEELERS’ FLAT』の立上げに至りました。



ANNA DIAMOND is launching a concept store, TWO WHEELERS’ FLAT, which exclusively carries brands that excel in both sustainability and design. The store will open for a limited time at Roppongi Hills on August 23, 2024.

“We are curators. Story of good pieces for tomorrow.”

Just as two wheels are essential for a bicycle to move, we believe that both “sustainability” and “design” must be balanced at a high level in modern fashion.

Since founding ANNA DIAMOND, we’ve presented our brand both domestically and internationally, meeting many like-minded partners around the world who share our values.

TWO WHEELERS’ FLAT will feature jewelry, women’s apparel, shoes, interior goods, and skincare brands that excel in both sustainability and design. By bringing these brands together, we aim to create a place where you can enjoy fashion while looking forward to a better tomorrow.

With a strong sense of purpose, we will run this shop to be a new hub of fashion where joy and sustainability coexist.